• Mon - Fri 08:30 - 18:30

One Stop to earn 60 PMI Professional Development Unit (PDUs)

Get 60 PDUs in one place. Maintain your Project Management Professional (PMP)® Certification with us!

Professional Development Unit (PDUs)

What are PDUs?
PDUs are Professional Development Units, necessary for maintaining Project Management Institute (PMI)-certified credentials.They are a part of PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program. This CCR program requires that you take part in some activities to earn the professional development units (PDUs) and maintain your credentials.
The activities can be anything related to project management such as getting training on any course which could help you in project management. For every hour of activity, you will earn one PDU.

PDU Requirement

Project Management Professional (PMP)® you’ll need to earn 60 PDUs per 3-year cycle
Certified Associate in Project Management Professional (CAPM)® certification, you are required to earn 15 PDUs in a 3-year cycle
Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), you are required to earn 30 PDUs in a 3-year cycle

Ways to earn PDUs

  • Education PDUs can be earned at professional seminars, webinars, classes, or even self-directed learning.
  • Giving Back PDUs are for time spent volunteering, mentoring, working with professional groups, and more.
You can take a look at our options below to earn up to 60 PDUs with us and maintain your PMP, CAPM and PMI - ACP certification.

We are PMI Authorized Training Partner (ATP)

The Project Management Institute (PMI) has announced the discontinuation of the Registered Education Provider (REP) programme on 31 December 2019.

The REP programme is to be replaced by the Approved Training Provider (ATP) programme. We have successfully obtained the ATP status, continuing our proud tradition of being officially affiliated with PMI over the past decade, whether it is via the REP or ATP programmes. Click on the logo below to verify.

Professional Development Unit (PDUs) Options

Package A (61 PDUs)
Scrum Master Certification
Course Methodology
Classroom Course + Online Exam

Course Overview
Scrum is one of the most popular Agile methodologies. It is an adaptive, iterative, fast, flexible, and effective methodology designed to deliver significant value quickly and throughout a project. Scrum ensures transparency in communication and creates an environment of collective accountability and continuous progress. The Scrum framework, as defined in the SBOK™ Guide, is structured in such a way that it supports product and service development in all types of industries and in any type of project, irrespective of its complexity.

PMI PDUs Claimable
19 PDUs

Contact us for more details
Package Fees: RM 3,500
*Package fees above does not include 6% SST
Package B (66 PDUs)
Being an Agile Certified Practitioner certified by the Project Management Institute, PMI ®, is a testament to expertise within the realm of being able to manage agility. A highly acclaimed and much sought after course, the PMI-ACP designation enables one to be recognized as having knowledge in agile principles and having the skill to apply agile techniques. 

You can earn up to 24 PDUs once you attend this course.

PMI PDUs Claimable
24 PDUs

Contact us for more details
Package Fees: RM 3,800
*Package fees above does not include 6% SST

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